Source code for etna.models.statsforecast

import warnings
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from statsforecast.models import AutoARIMA
from statsforecast.models import AutoCES
from statsforecast.models import AutoETS
from statsforecast.models import AutoTheta

from etna.distributions import BaseDistribution
from etna.distributions import IntDistribution
from etna.libs.statsforecast import ARIMA
from etna.models.base import BaseAdapter
from etna.models.base import NonPredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel
from etna.models.base import PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel
from etna.models.mixins import NonPredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin
from etna.models.mixins import PerSegmentModelMixin
from etna.models.mixins import PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin
from etna.models.utils import determine_freq
from etna.models.utils import determine_num_steps

StatsForecastModel = Union[AutoCES, AutoARIMA, AutoTheta, AutoETS, ARIMA]

[docs]class _StatsForecastBaseAdapter(BaseAdapter): """Base class for adapters for models from statsforecast package.""" def __init__(self, model: StatsForecastModel, support_prediction_intervals: bool): """ Init model with given parameters. Parameters ---------- model: Model from statsforecast. support_prediction_intervals: Should model support prediction intervals. """ self.regressor_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None self._freq: Optional[str] = None self._first_train_timestamp: Optional[pd.Timestamp] = None self._last_train_timestamp: Optional[pd.Timestamp] = None self._model = model self._support_prediction_intervals = support_prediction_intervals def _encode_categoricals(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: categorical_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=["category"]).columns.tolist() try: df.loc[:, categorical_cols] = df[categorical_cols].astype(int) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"Categorical columns {categorical_cols} can not be converted to int.\n " "Try to encode this columns manually." ) def _check_df(self, df: pd.DataFrame, horizon: Optional[int] = None): if self.regressor_columns is None: raise ValueError("Something went wrong, regressor_columns is None!") column_to_drop = [col for col in df.columns if col not in ["target", "timestamp"] + self.regressor_columns] if column_to_drop: warnings.warn( message=f"Model from statsforecast does not work with exogenous features (features unknown in future).\n " f"{column_to_drop} will be dropped" ) if horizon: short_regressors = [regressor for regressor in self.regressor_columns if df[regressor].count() < horizon] if short_regressors: raise ValueError( f"Regressors {short_regressors} are too short for chosen horizon value.\n " "Try lower horizon value, or drop this regressors." ) def _select_regressors(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: if self.regressor_columns: exog_future = df[self.regressor_columns].values.astype(float) else: exog_future = None return exog_future
[docs] def fit(self, df: pd.DataFrame, regressors: List[str]) -> "_StatsForecastBaseAdapter": """Fit statsforecast adapter. Parameters ---------- df: Features dataframe regressors: List of the columns with regressors Returns ------- : Fitted adapter """ self.regressor_columns = regressors self._encode_categoricals(df) self._check_df(df) endog_data = df["target"].values exog_data = self._select_regressors(df), X=exog_data) self._freq = determine_freq(timestamps=df["timestamp"]) self._first_train_timestamp = df["timestamp"].min() self._last_train_timestamp = df["timestamp"].max() return self
[docs] def forecast( self, df: pd.DataFrame, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = () ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute predictions on future data from a statsforecast model. This method only works on data that goes right after the train. Parameters ---------- df: Features dataframe prediction_interval: If True returns prediction interval for forecast quantiles: Levels of prediction distribution Returns ------- : DataFrame with predictions """ if self._freq is None: raise ValueError("Model is not fitted! Fit the model before calling predict method!") horizon = len(df) self._encode_categoricals(df) self._check_df(df, horizon) exog_data = self._select_regressors(df) start_timestamp = df["timestamp"].min() end_timestamp = df["timestamp"].max() if start_timestamp < self._last_train_timestamp: raise NotImplementedError( "This model can't make forecast on history data! Use method predict for in-sample prediction." ) # determine index of start_timestamp if counting from last timestamp of train start_idx = determine_num_steps( start_timestamp=self._last_train_timestamp, end_timestamp=start_timestamp, freq=self._freq # type: ignore ) # determine index of end_timestamp if counting from last timestamp of train end_idx = determine_num_steps( start_timestamp=self._last_train_timestamp, end_timestamp=end_timestamp, freq=self._freq # type: ignore ) if start_idx > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "This model can't make forecast on out-of-sample data that goes after training data with a gap! " "You can only forecast from the next point after the last one in the training dataset." ) h = end_idx if prediction_interval and self._support_prediction_intervals: levels = [] for quantile in quantiles: width = abs(1 / 2 - quantile) * 2 level = int(width * 100) levels.append(level) # get unique levels to prevent strange behavior with stacking interval predictions unique_levels = list(set(levels)) forecast = self._model.predict(h=h, X=exog_data, level=unique_levels) y_pred = pd.DataFrame({"target": forecast["mean"]}) for quantile, level in zip(quantiles, levels): if quantile < 1 / 2: series = forecast[f"lo-{level}"] else: series = forecast[f"hi-{level}"] y_pred[f"target_{quantile:.4g}"] = series else: forecast = self._model.predict(h=h, X=exog_data) y_pred = pd.DataFrame({"target": forecast["mean"]}) return y_pred
[docs] def predict( self, df: pd.DataFrame, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = () ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute in-sample predictions from a statsforecast model. This method only works on train data. Parameters ---------- df: Features dataframe prediction_interval: If True returns prediction interval for forecast quantiles: Levels of prediction distribution Returns ------- : DataFrame with predictions """ if self._freq is None: raise ValueError("Model is not fitted! Fit the model before calling predict method!") horizon = len(df) self._encode_categoricals(df) self._check_df(df, horizon) start_timestamp = df["timestamp"].min() end_timestamp = df["timestamp"].max() if start_timestamp < self._first_train_timestamp: raise NotImplementedError( "This model can't make predict on past out-of-sample data! The data before training is given." ) if end_timestamp > self._last_train_timestamp: raise NotImplementedError( "This model can't make predict on future out-of-sample data! " "Use forecast method for this type of prediction." ) # determine index of start_timestamp if counting from first timestamp of train start_idx = determine_num_steps( start_timestamp=self._first_train_timestamp, end_timestamp=start_timestamp, freq=self._freq # type: ignore ) # determine index of end_timestamp if counting from first timestamp of train end_idx = determine_num_steps( start_timestamp=self._first_train_timestamp, end_timestamp=end_timestamp, freq=self._freq # type: ignore ) if prediction_interval and self._support_prediction_intervals: levels = [] for quantile in quantiles: width = abs(1 / 2 - quantile) * 2 level = int(width * 100) levels.append(level) # get unique levels to prevent strange behavior with stacking interval predictions unique_levels = list(set(levels)) forecast = self._model.predict_in_sample(level=unique_levels) # type: ignore y_pred = pd.DataFrame({"target": forecast["fitted"][start_idx : end_idx + 1]}) for quantile, level in zip(quantiles, levels): if quantile < 1 / 2: series = forecast[f"fitted-lo-{level}"] else: series = forecast[f"fitted-hi-{level}"] y_pred[f"target_{quantile:.4g}"] = series[start_idx : end_idx + 1] else: forecast = self._model.predict_in_sample() y_pred = pd.DataFrame({"target": forecast["fitted"][start_idx : end_idx + 1]}) return y_pred
[docs] def forecast_components(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Estimate forecast components. Parameters ---------- df: features dataframe Returns ------- : dataframe with forecast components """ raise NotImplementedError("This mode isn't currently implemented!")
[docs] def predict_components(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Estimate prediction components. Parameters ---------- df: features dataframe Returns ------- : dataframe with prediction components """ raise NotImplementedError("This mode isn't currently implemented!")
[docs] def get_model(self) -> StatsForecastModel: """Get statsforecast model that is used inside etna class. Returns ------- : Internal model """ return self._model
[docs]class _AutoARIMAAdapter(_StatsForecastBaseAdapter): """Adapter for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoARIMA`.""" def __init__( self, d: Optional[int] = None, D: Optional[int] = None, # noqa: N803 max_p: int = 5, max_q: int = 5, max_P: int = 2, max_Q: int = 2, max_order: int = 5, max_d: int = 2, max_D: int = 1, start_p: int = 2, start_q: int = 2, start_P: int = 1, start_Q: int = 1, season_length: int = 1, **kwargs, ): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- d: Order of first-differencing. D: Order of seasonal-differencing. max_p: Max autorregresives p. max_q: Max moving averages q. max_P: Max seasonal autorregresives P. max_Q: Max seasonal moving averages Q. max_order: Max p+q+P+Q value if not stepwise selection. max_d: Max non-seasonal differences. max_D: Max seasonal differences. start_p: Starting value of p in stepwise procedure. start_q: Starting value of q in stepwise procedure. start_P: Starting value of P in stepwise procedure. start_Q: Starting value of Q in stepwise procedure. season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. **kwargs: Additional parameters for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoARIMA`. """ self.d = d self.D = D self.max_p = max_p self.max_q = max_q self.max_P = max_P self.max_Q = max_Q self.max_order = max_order self.max_d = max_d self.max_D = max_D self.start_p = start_p self.start_q = start_q self.start_P = start_P self.start_Q = start_Q self.season_length = season_length self.kwargs = kwargs super().__init__( model=AutoARIMA( d=self.d, D=self.D, max_p=self.max_p, max_q=self.max_q, max_P=self.max_P, max_Q=self.max_Q, max_order=self.max_order, max_d=self.max_d, max_D=self.max_D, start_p=self.start_P, start_q=self.start_q, start_P=self.start_P, start_Q=self.start_Q, season_length=self.season_length, **self.kwargs, ), support_prediction_intervals=True, )
[docs]class _ARIMAAdapter(_StatsForecastBaseAdapter): """Adapter for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.ARIMA`.""" def __init__( self, order: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), season_length: int = 1, seasonal_order: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), **kwargs, ): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- order: A specification of the non-seasonal part of the ARIMA model: the three components (p, d, q) are the AR order, the degree of differencing, and the MA order. season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. seasonal_order: A specification of the seasonal part of the ARIMA model. (P, D, Q) for the AR order, the degree of differencing, the MA order. **kwargs: Additional parameters for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.ARIMA`. """ self.order = order self.season_length = season_length self.seasonal_order = seasonal_order self.kwargs = kwargs super().__init__( model=ARIMA( order=self.order, season_length=self.season_length, seasonal_order=self.seasonal_order, **self.kwargs, ), support_prediction_intervals=True, )
[docs]class _AutoThetaAdapter(_StatsForecastBaseAdapter): """Adapter for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoTheta`.""" def __init__( self, season_length: int = 1, decomposition_type: str = "multiplicative", model: Optional[str] = None, ): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. decomposition_type: Sesonal decomposition type, 'multiplicative' (default) or 'additive'. model: Controlling Theta Model. By default searches the best model. """ self.season_length = season_length self.decomposition_type = decomposition_type self.model = model super().__init__( model=AutoTheta( season_length=self.season_length, decomposition_type=self.decomposition_type, model=self.model ), support_prediction_intervals=True, )
[docs]class _AutoCESAdapter(_StatsForecastBaseAdapter): """Adapter for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoCES`.""" def __init__(self, season_length: int = 1, model: str = "Z"): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. model: Controlling state-space-equations. """ self.season_length = season_length self.model = model super().__init__( model=AutoCES(season_length=self.season_length, model=self.model), support_prediction_intervals=False, )
[docs]class _AutoETSAdapter(_StatsForecastBaseAdapter): """Adapter for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoETS`.""" def __init__(self, season_length: int = 1, model: str = "ZZZ", damped: Optional[bool] = None): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. model: Controlling state-space-equations. damped: A parameter that 'dampens' the trend. """ self.season_length = season_length self.model = model self.damped = damped super().__init__( model=AutoETS( season_length=self.season_length, model=self.model, damped=self.damped, ), support_prediction_intervals=True, )
[docs]class StatsForecastAutoARIMAModel( PerSegmentModelMixin, PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin, PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel ): """ Class for holding :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoARIMA`. `Documentation for the underlying model <>`_. Method ``forecast`` only works on ouf-of-sample data that goes right after training data. Method ``predict`` only works on in-sample data. """ def __init__( self, d: Optional[int] = None, D: Optional[int] = None, # noqa: N803 max_p: int = 5, max_q: int = 5, max_P: int = 2, max_Q: int = 2, max_order: int = 5, max_d: int = 2, max_D: int = 1, start_p: int = 2, start_q: int = 2, start_P: int = 1, start_Q: int = 1, season_length: int = 1, **kwargs, ): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- d: Order of first-differencing. D: Order of seasonal-differencing. max_p: Max autorregresives p. max_q: Max moving averages q. max_P: Max seasonal autorregresives P. max_Q: Max seasonal moving averages Q. max_order: Max p+q+P+Q value if not stepwise selection. max_d: Max non-seasonal differences. max_D: Max seasonal differences. start_p: Starting value of p in stepwise procedure. start_q: Starting value of q in stepwise procedure. start_P: Starting value of P in stepwise procedure. start_Q: Starting value of Q in stepwise procedure. season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. **kwargs: Additional parameters for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoARIMA`. """ self.d = d self.D = D self.max_p = max_p self.max_q = max_q self.max_P = max_P self.max_Q = max_Q self.max_order = max_order self.max_d = max_d self.max_D = max_D self.start_p = start_p self.start_q = start_q self.start_P = start_P self.start_Q = start_Q self.season_length = season_length self.kwargs = kwargs super().__init__( base_model=_AutoARIMAAdapter( d=self.d, D=self.D, max_p=self.max_p, max_q=self.max_q, max_P=self.max_P, max_Q=self.max_Q, max_order=self.max_order, max_d=self.max_d, max_D=self.max_D, start_p=self.start_P, start_q=self.start_q, start_P=self.start_P, start_Q=self.start_Q, season_length=self.season_length, **self.kwargs, ) )
[docs]class StatsForecastARIMAModel( PerSegmentModelMixin, PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin, PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel ): """ Class for holding :py:class:`statsforecast.models.ARIMA`. `Documentation for the underlying model <>`_. Method ``forecast`` only works on ouf-of-sample data that goes right after training data. Method ``predict`` only works on in-sample data. """ def __init__( self, order: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), season_length: int = 1, seasonal_order: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), **kwargs, ): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- order: A specification of the non-seasonal part of the ARIMA model: the three components (p, d, q) are the AR order, the degree of differencing, and the MA order. season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. seasonal_order: A specification of the seasonal part of the ARIMA model. (P, D, Q) for the AR order, the degree of differencing, the MA order. **kwargs: Additional parameters for :py:class:`statsforecast.models.ARIMA`. """ self.order = order self.season_length = season_length self.seasonal_order = seasonal_order self.kwargs = kwargs super().__init__( base_model=_ARIMAAdapter( order=self.order, season_length=self.season_length, seasonal_order=self.seasonal_order, **self.kwargs, ), )
[docs] def params_to_tune(self) -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]: """Get default grid for tuning hyperparameters. This grid tunes parameters: ``order.0``, ``order.1``, ``order.2``. If ``self.season_length`` is greater than one, then it also tunes parameters: ``seasonal_order.0``, ``seasonal_order.1``, ``seasonal_order.2``. Other parameters are expected to be set by the user. Returns ------- : Grid to tune. """ grid: Dict[str, BaseDistribution] = { "order.0": IntDistribution(low=1, high=6), "order.1": IntDistribution(low=1, high=2), "order.2": IntDistribution(low=1, high=6), } num_periods = self.season_length if num_periods > 1: grid.update( { "seasonal_order.0": IntDistribution(low=0, high=2), "seasonal_order.1": IntDistribution(low=0, high=1), "seasonal_order.2": IntDistribution(low=0, high=1), } ) return grid
[docs]class StatsForecastAutoThetaModel( PerSegmentModelMixin, PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin, PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel ): """ Class for holding :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoTheta`. `Documentation for the underlying model <>`_. Method ``forecast`` only works on ouf-of-sample data that goes right after training data. Method ``predict`` only works on in-sample data. """ def __init__( self, season_length: int = 1, decomposition_type: str = "multiplicative", model: Optional[str] = None, ): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. decomposition_type: Sesonal decomposition type, 'multiplicative' (default) or 'additive'. model: Controlling Theta Model. By default searches the best model. """ self.season_length = season_length self.decomposition_type = decomposition_type self.model = model super().__init__( base_model=_AutoThetaAdapter( season_length=self.season_length, decomposition_type=self.decomposition_type, model=self.model ), )
[docs]class StatsForecastAutoCESModel( PerSegmentModelMixin, NonPredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin, NonPredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel, ): """ Class for holding :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoCES`. `Documentation for the underlying model <>`_. Method ``forecast`` only works on ouf-of-sample data that goes right after training data. Method ``predict`` only works on in-sample data. """ def __init__(self, season_length: int = 1, model: str = "Z"): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. model: Controlling state-space-equations. """ self.season_length = season_length self.model = model super().__init__( base_model=_AutoCESAdapter(season_length=self.season_length, model=self.model), )
[docs]class StatsForecastAutoETSModel( PerSegmentModelMixin, PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin, PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel ): """ Class for holding :py:class:`statsforecast.models.AutoETS`. `Documentation for the underlying model <>`_. Method ``forecast`` only works on ouf-of-sample data that goes right after training data. Method ``predict`` only works on in-sample data. """ def __init__(self, season_length: int = 1, model: str = "ZZZ", damped: Optional[bool] = None): """Init model with given params. Parameters ---------- season_length: Number of observations per unit of time. Ex: 24 Hourly data. model: Controlling state-space-equations. damped: A parameter that 'dampens' the trend. """ self.season_length = season_length self.model = model self.damped = damped super().__init__( base_model=_AutoETSAdapter(season_length=self.season_length, model=self.model, damped=self.damped), )